1- What was AERZ civil structural consulting Inc. project?
AERZ Civil Structural Consulting Inc. has recently provided high quality engineering design for a new floor in old open house area, which includes new beams, strengthened beams, joists, decking, cut members and insulation in SE Calgary. AERZ provided engineering drawing plans for city of Calgary for renovation permit and inspection of the framing and construction for satisfying the permit requirements of the city of Calgary.
Our professional Engineer Ashraf Zaghloul was responsible for design, inspections, reviewing of previous constructions & blueprints drawings and construction and permitting support. We provided engineered floor plan, sections, and standard notes for the new floor for permitting purposes.
We provide engineering services for renovations of existing buildings including structural modifications or upgrade in houses and commercial buildings or new constructions. We provide energy efficient designs for your new addition or your new construction. We provide structural engineering for new walk-ins or new egress windows. We also provide structural assessments of bearing walls and designs for their removal. We also do retaining walls designs and assessments whether concrete or block walls in city of Calgary greater Area.
2- How AERZ civil structural consulting can add value to your project?
If you need high quality engineering and help with your addition or renovation project and need help with city of Calgary permitting application, construction support and framing inspection send us email at Ashraf@AERZcivStrConsulting.ca or Call us at (403)708-3275. AERZ civil structural consulting team will be happy to assist you with your needs for your next project.