As Built drawings of wooden pole shed buildings at De Winton, Foothills, Alberta

What AERZ Consulting Inc. did? The full description of high-quality structural assessment and As Built drawings that AERZ Civil Structural Consulting Inc. had produced for two wooden pole sheds at De Winton, Foothills in Alberta. The work included inspections of structures and foundations and providing repair suggestions that were carried on by contractor of the… Continue reading As Built drawings of wooden pole shed buildings at De Winton, Foothills, Alberta

Structural engineering for new door opening for commercial building at Foothills, Alberta

AERZ civil structural consulting Inc. had provided structural engineering services for one of our clients at Foothills of Alberta. The services included providing structural engineering for new door opening and strengthening of opening and affected structural members in the wall. The structural services included the effect of cutting of existing girts, adding new vertical secondary… Continue reading Structural engineering for new door opening for commercial building at Foothills, Alberta

Engineering and drafting for elevated exit steel deck at Foothills Alberta

AERZ civil structural consulting provided engineering, drafting and construction support for an Elevated exit steel deck and its stairs on screw piles at Foothills, Alberta.  The Deck is 15 ft high and around 20 ft by 15 ft consisting of steel I girder and galvanized cold formed joists. There are two stair flights and a… Continue reading Engineering and drafting for elevated exit steel deck at Foothills Alberta

Construction inspection for Steel Building near Okotoks, Alberta

AERZ civil structural consulting Inc. had prepared a construction inspection report for steel building near Okotoks, Alberta. The building is 70 feet long by 40 feet wide by 24 feet eave height. Also  we prepared drawings for the mezzanine in the building after checking the as built conditions and checking the current mezzanine structure design… Continue reading Construction inspection for Steel Building near Okotoks, Alberta

Steel building structural assessment near Calgary city limits

A previous steel farm building is structurally assessed by AERZ Consulting Inc. using current Alberta building code to change building occupancy and use. The building is 41 ft long by 33 ft wide by 20 ft ridge height. Building and foundations were assessed at the Municipality of Foothills in Alberta; very close to Calgary city limits.… Continue reading Steel building structural assessment near Calgary city limits

Supporting an open web roof truss of a commercial unit

 We have provided a design modification for a roof of a commercial building in south east of Calgary. The roof span consists nearly 50 feet span that is supported by open web wooden steel trusses with pin joints connecting the steel vertical tubes to the wood upper and bottom chords of trusses. The roof is… Continue reading Supporting an open web roof truss of a commercial unit