New floor in old open house area in Calgary SE

1- What was AERZ civil structural consulting Inc. project? AERZ Civil Structural Consulting Inc. has recently provided high quality engineering design for a new floor in old open house area, which includes new beams, strengthened beams, joists, decking, cut members and insulation in SE Calgary. AERZ provided engineering drawing plans for city of Calgary for… Continue reading New floor in old open house area in Calgary SE

Garage pad design and drawing plans in SE city of Calgary

1- What was AERZ civil structural consulting Inc. project?   AERZ civil structural consulting Inc. has prepared design and drawing plans for garage pad with curbs in SE Calgary. The pad dimension is 20 feet x 22 feet. Finite element analysis and STAAD PRO was used for analysis and design is based according to Alberta… Continue reading Garage pad design and drawing plans in SE city of Calgary

Foundation |Tall Wall opening for walk-in door in SE city of Calgary

1      What was AERZ civil structural consulting Inc. project? AERZ Civil Structural Consulting Inc. has recently provided engineering for a new door opening in a house foundation wall and tall wall in SE Calgary. AERZ provided engineering drawing for city of Calgary for renovation permit and we have done inspection of framing and construction for… Continue reading Foundation |Tall Wall opening for walk-in door in SE city of Calgary

Assessment condition and repair recommendations of retaining wall at Town of Turner Valley

1      What was the assessment of retaining wall by AERZ civil structural consulting Inc. about? AERZ Civil Structural Consulting Inc.  has performed assessment and repair recommendations and assessment of a non engineered reinforced concrete retaining wall supporting a house driveway ramp and stairs at town of Turner Valley, Alberta at south of city of Calgary… Continue reading Assessment condition and repair recommendations of retaining wall at Town of Turner Valley

A mistake novice structural Engineers fall for

In modeling the soil structural interaction, some engineers allow tension and compression of vertical elastic springs. This is not right. You should allow only compression in vertical direction. Finite element analysis software give this option in one or two or three direction. usually you restrict the compression in vertical direction and allow tension and compression… Continue reading A mistake novice structural Engineers fall for

Supporting an open web roof truss of a commercial unit

 We have provided a design modification for a roof of a commercial building in south east of Calgary. The roof span consists nearly 50 feet span that is supported by open web wooden steel trusses with pin joints connecting the steel vertical tubes to the wood upper and bottom chords of trusses. The roof is… Continue reading Supporting an open web roof truss of a commercial unit

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